
A space to remember.

In times like this, it is essential that you have a resonant space, where you can soften, make roots, and be nourished in a field of natural intelligence. A space that allows for what is natural to distill and marinate within your cells, gifting that first to yourself and then to others by natural occurrence. True remembrance can only occur in this way and this is one of the many gifts Origen grants you: A space to embark on your own involutionary journey yet at the same time, be held in a vibrational space that facilitates it.

This is a space that offers multi-sensory inner quests to accompany you on your path of true self-discovery and remembrance. These quests are designed to invite you back to the simplicity of your natural state and to re-ignite your emotional, mythic and genetic memory.

How is this achieved?

  • In Origen, we utilise a multi-sensory approach to adventure far beyond the scope of knowing and learning and transcend the realms of the intellect to connect to your body’s natural intelligence through vibrational sound, primordial breath, movement, feeling and sensation. This grants you the opportunity to ignite your full spectrum potential and to remember how to consciously converse with the natural intelligence within your body and within nature.

  • “Have we let the scripts of culture limit us from exploring our own beauty?’

    For so long as human beings, we have attempted to understand our infinite human nature through a finite lens. On one side, we have explored it through the realms the sciences and on the other hand, we have attempted to translate it through the lens of religion, and spirituality. Yet what is required now is a new unified approach a middle path.

    A path that invites you to explore your human intelligence through the synthesis of philosophy, mythology, psychology, the bio-psychic sciences, the mystical arts and more to form a new unified perspective of your human nature.

    This unified approach will offer an entirely new translation for the human experience. It will offer a greater understanding of the physical, anatomical and fractal structure of the human body, and the greater role of your emotions and genetics in unlocking the full spectrum of your human potential.

Our Philosophy.

The 4 elements of remembrance.

Everything in Origen is rooted and centred on the 4 elements of remembrance and natural law. For remembrance is non-linear. To activate your deeper inherent memory requires a special space, one that allows for you to attune and calibrate to your natural state. A space that allows for the transference of wisdom and intelligence through the field of osmosis and creates space for the synthesis of wisdom and the realisation of your human potential through direct lived experience (gnosis).

Niamh weaves these elements into everything she creates within this space, offering individuals the right vibrational space to truly remember who they really are.

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Learn more about “The 4 Elements of Remembrance” in the InnerQuest Library.

Self-Guided Inner Quests

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