Niamh’s Origin Story.

A natural-born empath and intuitive I always questioned life and felt there had to be more to this existence. In my early years, I found solace in religion, philosophy, and science but in my mid-20s I went through what some may refer to as a spontaneous awakening after a sudden debilitating illness, I found myself at a crossroads, questioning my life, my purpose, and ultimately my eternal nature. 

My illness became a catalyst for awakening and all of a sudden I began to see my life, my circumstances, and my existence through an entirely new lens. I began to feel, sense, and intuit so much more information than what my mind could initially understand, yet at the same time, it felt so familiar. 

In an attempt to understand my experiences more fully I began seeking externally for answers in some of the ancient and esoteric teachings, books, and even spiritual and scientific teachings but nothing came close to what I was experiencing inside. This new awareness was inviting me to see my world, my body, my emotions, and the universe through an entirely new lens.

What I was now seeing, feeling, sensing while it did not match the external - it felt more natural, more real, and more familiar than anything I had ever encountered before.

I then attempted to find solace within other personal development and spiritual communities only yet to feel even more alone. I explored many teachings, modalities, belief systems, and frameworks. I explored science, quantum physics, meditation, plant medicines all in an attempt to know myself more intimately. It felt at times I was seeking within these things, to find the threads of truth that resonated with what I felt inside, yet at times I felt they kept me drifting further and further.

It felt like the new age spiritual path was leading me from one matrix and into another, focusing on mind-based practices and teachings, expanding my consciousness to reach altered states of "consciousness" through the path of ascension when in truth all I desired was to go on the journey into myself.

My inner awareness was guiding me against the grain, to make the descent of my awareness into my physical body, to unlearn everything that I knew about myself, my body, and to utilise my emotions, and my innate intelligence to translate my world and my experiences through an entirely new lens.

This internal guidance asked me to make some courageous choices, and I knew I had to leave behind the familiar and listen to this deeper innate calling, that as calling me back home to nature, my inner nature. I knew reached my turning point, the point of no return, now being asked to leave behind all that I knew, all that I had created for myself, my lavish lifestyle, my identity as a coach, a spiritual healer, leaving behind my community, my modalities and embarking on the most courageous Inner Quest to explore who I really am, utilising my innate inner intelligence, my emotions, and my senses as my only source and guide.

This journey, while on some levels was a personal quest, so too was it rooted in the collective as I found myself simultaneously on a quest to discover the true origins of our humanity, who are we really, where did we come from and why are we here.

This desire to find deeper meaning and truth, my desire to understand the true nature of reality and the fundamental purpose of the human body kept leading me back to nature, and I found myself being curiously led to different parts of the world to explore various cultures, sacred sites and visiting indigenous people. I found myself especially being drawn back to the original cultures, those whom I felt kept this same memory alive.

Each place, person, and community offered me a unique perspective on life and what I discovered was that it was those who were living so closely in tune with nature and the laws of nature, were the ones who seemed to have kept this ancient and even archaic memory alive and who seemed to share the same memory, perspective and gnosis of what I felt inside.

I met a few mentors on my way, none leading me to the truth but instead guiding me back to nature and to trust myself. It was here that I realized that the memory that had come alive in me through my own personal awakening was very real. The memory of our true human origins and the understanding of my inner biological and emotional blueprint was not something that I had imagined, it was actually very real. This restored my faith.

So I continued my quest, my quest to remember my origins, I descended deeper into my body, rewiring my emotional blueprint, reconciling and healing inner wounds, traumas as I rooted deeper into the earth, into nature, the more life opened to me.

I began to experience, my body’s intelligence sync with an intelligence in nature, and from here a series of synchronous, mystical events began to unfold before my very eyes. I began to translate the natural world through my senses and I began to remember how to translate life and intuit natural dimensional realms through my emotions. 

It was like I was beginning to see everything in a whole new light, and remembering a very ancient language.

All of these events unfolded very naturally while simultaneously being and living in the real world. My experiences while to some feel otherworldly never pulled me away from being present with everyday life, in fact, my everyday life, experiences emotions, and challenges seemed to be the doorway for me to enter into the infinite state. 

Throughout all these experiences I began to see a pattern/ blueprint emerge, after traveling to various places and exploring many original teachings, philosophies and even mythology. I began to notice a pattern/blueprint emerge, almost like there were original golden threads of truth appearing within all ancient, archaic, mythic and mysterious teachings.

A thread of truth that united them in unison.

It felt like I was uncovering an original blueprint for life, that was in harmony with nature's laws and principles. It was not something that I sought but more something that was revealed to me the more I softened into nature itself.

This blueprint is not necessarily "THE" blueprint for life, but more so it is my living and ever-evolving and expanding blueprint, it is my own synthesis and integration of the natural world and our natural human intelligence, which is rooted in the original understanding of the physical structure of the human body, our emotions and our genetics.

It is a blueprint that recognises the human body as a quintessential map or mirror of the cosmos.

This is what I refer to as the Original Blueprint - a quintessential map that holds keys to unlocking your natural and universal intelligence and the alchemical pathways to igniting your true potential.